
Ray Bagha Podiatrist Regina Sask

2009 Long Lake Rd, Sudbury, Ont,   P3E 6C3   Tel: 523-5658

Heel Spur Clinic Sudbury

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This clinic has a special interest in treating heel pain: Let us heal that heel!
Your Foot Specialist at the Medical Centre Foot Clinic has a special interest in treating heel pain and keeps abreast on the latest developments, technologies and techniques to treat Heel Pain, Plantar fasciitis and Heel Spurs.
FOR HEEL SPURS, PLANTAR-FASCIITIS, and ACHILLES TENDONITIS: More recently we have been getting fairly good results using a combination of deep tissue Laser Therapy combined with Orthotic Insoles. Why use two different modes?  The Orthotic Insoles address the cause of the problem ( known as 'etiology' in medicine, that is, why you developed the pain in the first place). We have also adopted the latest 'casting' techniques to get accurate 3-D molds for orthotic insoles. Insurance plans NOW COVER laser casting techniques for the construction of orthotic insoles. We tend towards shock-absorbing, semi-flexible, yet supportive orthotic insoles with special angles to treat different types of heel pain based on the biomechanical assessment. Each orthotic is unique, special, and custom-made for you to promote optimal foot and lower limb function!
Laser treatments speed up the healing process within the tissues to get you back into regular routine in the shortest time possible. Sometimes, we may incorporate a Cortisone injection (at our clinic, we use a freezing mixture in combination with cortisone to minimize pain), but we try to stay away from cortisone unless we absolutely have to. We try the preferred method that has proved more successful using non-invasive methods...TLC...our good old friend (tender-loving-care). We will discuss with you each method so you can make an informed choice!
ESWT ( High power ultrasonic waves treatment units ) have also provided very good outcomes and has proved successful with many cases of persistent, chronic heel pain. We will advise you if you may need that as a sole (pun intended) treatment option or in combination with any of the above treatment methods. We will advise you all the way and make you a part of your own treatment.
In simple terms, we treat heal pain (Heel Spurs, Plantar-fasciitis) via a combination of methods, or simply one method. We first review your medical history, how long you have had the pain, what is your occupation, what sports do you play, age, what you may have previously tried to help yourself, etc. After that, an option or a set of options may be decided.

We explain each method and make you a part of your management plan. Few methods that we may employ:
1. Orthotic Insoles
2. Laser with combination Magnetic Pulse
3. Soft Laser ( Deep Tissue Laser )
4. Cortisone Injection
5. ESWT/Shock Wave Therapy/Radial Shockwave (shocking isn't it, as to how many methods there are?!)
6. Rx Medication
7. Ultrasound
8. FMT ( Foot Mobilization Techniques), etc.

We want to help and will try our best to earn your respect and confidence. We hope you will appreciate our abilities and the concern we demonstrate to get you back on your feet in the shortest time possible.

Call Today 705-523-5658 Sudbury
HEEL SPUR CLINIC SUDBURY, 3rd Floor, 2009 Long Lake Rd, Sudbury,Ont, Canada. P3E 6C3. Tel 705-523-5658