
Ray Bagha Podiatrist Regina Sask

2009 Long Lake Rd, Sudbury, Ont,   P3E 6C3   Tel: 523-5658

Heel Spur Clinic Sudbury

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Overview of Foot and Ankle Problems

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Riaz (Ray) Bagha offers a full array of Foot Specialist / Chiropodist services to help you maintain healthy feet. You can read more on this page about specific services.

•Achilles Tendon
•Ankle Instability
•Ankle Sprains
•Arthritic Foot & Ankle Care
•Athletes Foot
•Overpronation problems
•Diabetic Foot
•Flat Feet
•Fungus Toenails
•Geriatric Foot Care
•Heel Spurs
•Ingrown Toenails
•Plantar Fasciitis

Ankle Sprains
Ankle sprains are caused by an unnatural twisting or force on the ankle bones of the foot, often resulting in one or more ligaments on the outside of the ankle to be stretched or torn. If not properly treated, ankle sprains could develop into long-term problems.

Bunions are misaligned big toe joints that can become swollen and tender, causing the first joint of the big toe to slant outward, and the second joint to angle toward the other toes.

Flat Feet
Flat feet are a common condition. In infants and toddlers, the longitudinal arch is not developed and flat feet are normal. The arch develops in childhood, and by adulthood, most people have developed normal arches.

Hammertoe is a deformity of the second, third or fourth toes. In this condition, the toe is bent at the middle joint, resembling a hammer. Left untreated, hammertoes can become inflexible and require surgery.

Diabetes and Your Feet
With a diabetic foot, a wound as small as a blister from wearing a shoe that's too tight can cause a lot of damage. Diabetes decreases blood flow, so injuries are slow to heal.

Heel Spurs
Plantar fasciitis (or heel pain) is commonly traced to an inflammation on the bottom of the foot. Our practice can evaluate arch pain, and may prescribe customized shoe inserts called orthoses to help alleviate the pain.

Corns and calluses are protective layers of compacted, dead skin cells. They are caused by repeated friction from skin rubbing against bony areas or against an irregularity in a shoe. Corns ordinarily form on the toes and calluses on the soles of the feet.

Athlete's Foot
A chronic infection caused by various types of fungus, Athlete's foot is often spread in places where people go barefoot such as public showers or swimming pools.

HEEL SPUR CLINIC SUDBURY, 3rd Floor, 2009 Long Lake Rd, Sudbury,Ont, Canada. P3E 6C3. Tel 705-523-5658